Leak detection and isolation using an observer based on robust sliding mode differentiators





Navarro, Adrián
Begovich, Ofelia
Besancon, Gildas
Sánchez-Torres, Juan D.
Patiño-Murillo, Julián

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A Leak Detection and Isolation (LDI) algorithm with a State Observer is designed and tested in simulation to locate a water-leak on a pipeline. Most of the works presented in the literature make some linearization in the model limiting the performance of the approach. In order to avoid this situation, in this work, the State Estimation is designed with the nonlinear model using an observer based on robust sliding mode differentiators. The approach assumes only flow and pressure sensors at the ends of the duct, and simulation results with synthetic data obtained from a pipeline simulator are presented to assess the method efficiency. The proposed scheme ensures finite time convergence of the observer and the reduction of chattering effect.

Palabras clave

State Observers, Leak Detection and Isolation, Sliding-mode Control


Navarro, A.; Begovich, O.; Besancon, G.; Sánchez-Torres, J. D.and Patiño-Murillo, J. (2012). Leak detection and isolation using an observer based on robust sliding mode differentiators. World Automation Congress (WAC).