Monitoring Hydrological Variations using Multispectral Spot-5 Data: Regional Case of Jalisco in Mexico





Villalón-Turrubiates, Iván E.

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers



The extraction of hydrological characteristics from a particular geographical region through remote sensing (RS) data processing allows the generation of electronic signature maps, which are the basis to create a high-resolution collection atlas processed in time for a particular geographical zone. This can be achieved using a developed tool for supervised segmentation and classification of hydrological remote sensing signatures (HRSS) via the combination of both statistical strategies defined as the Weighted Order Statistics (WOS) and the Minimum Distance to Means (MDM) techniques, unifying their particular advantages. This is referred to as the Hydrological Signatures Classification (HSC) method. The extraction of HRSS from multispectral/high-resolution RS maps using SPOT-5 satellite data for the regional case of the State of Jalisco in Mexico is reported to probe the efficiency of the developed technique in hydrological resources management applications.

Palabras clave

Spot-5, Multispectral Data, Remote Sensing, Hydrological Variations


Iván E. Villalón-Turrubiates, “Monitoring Hydrological Variations using Multispectral Spot-5 Data: Regional Case of Jalisco in Mexico”, in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) – Beyond the Frontiers: Expanding our Knowledge of the World, Vancouver Canadá, 2011, pp. 90-93.