Jiménez-Rodríguez, EstebanMejía-Estrada, ElianaJaramillo-Zuluaga, ÓscarSánchez-Torres, Juan D.2017-03-032017-03-032016-10Jiménez-Rodrıguez, E.; Mejıa-Estrada, E.; Jaramillo-Zuluaga, Ó. and Sánchez-Torres, J.D. "An Integral Sliding Mode Observer for Linear Systems. XVII Latin American Conference of Automatic Contrl, IFAC, Medellín, Colombia, 2016, pp. 143--147.http://hdl.handle.net/11117/4259In this paper a sliding-mode observer for linear time-invariant systems is proposed. The observer is based on integral sliding modes and the equivalent control method. In order to induce a sliding mode in the output error, a second order sliding mode algorithm is used. Convergence proofs of the proposed observer are presented. In order to expose the features of this proposal, a design example over a DC motor model is exposed, noiseless and noisy measurements cases are considered. For this case, the simulation shows the high performance of the integral observer.engFault detection and isolationIntegral ControllersLinear SystemsSliding-Mode ControlState ObserversAn Integral Sliding Mode Observer for Linear Systemsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/conferencePaper