Garabito-Siordia, Jaime L.Vite-López, Erick E.Navarro-Ocampo, Jaime L.2021-12-152021-12-152021-12Vite-López, E. E.; Navarro-Ocampo, J. L. (2021). An Embedded System Design for Data Collection and Analysis for Smart Fitness Centers. Trabajo de obtención de grado, Especialidad en Sistemas Embebidos. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: ITESO. application of embedded systems in fitness centers is limited. Therefore, this paper proposes a system that can be integrated into weight machines to incorporate the benefits of the Internet of Things by collecting exercise routine data. A prototype consisting of a FRDM-K64 development board, NFC and distance sensors is proposed. Data of exercise routines such as repetition distance and time intervals were successfully measured by the prototype. Future applications include expanding this concept to cardiovascular or resistance equipment.engIoTEmbedded SystemData AnalysisWeight MachinesFitness CentersAn Embedded System Design for Data Collection and Analysis for Smart Fitness Centersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/academicSpecialization