2021-05-192021-05-19https://hdl.handle.net/11117/7331After the September 2017 earthquake, some affected rural communities received help and support. In one of these, Valle de Vázquez, Tlaquiltenango in the State of Morelos, we initially worked in crisis intervention giving support to a group of women who, in addition to having recently suffered the socio-environmental disaster, live in a context of vulnerability due to the conditions of poverty and socio-historically instituted patriarchate. Subsequently, a non-formal education process was initiated, which favored the individual and the community development of the women involved in the process. This article presents the advances in the educational research and intervention. The objective is to understand the identity processes in the women of the community throughout and after he earthquake. For more than two years, we worked with women who voluntarily agreed to join a support group. In biweekly sessions, recreational and reflexive situations were raised that caused the participants to recognize themselves on their personal value, to share the experiences of their particular stories and their daily lives, to link with each other and make decisions in order to build new experiences that help  new forms of individual and collective identity.En este artículo se presentan los avances de una investigación e intervención educativa cuyo objetivo es la comprensión de los procesos identitarios en las mujeres de una comunidad rural apoyada después del terremoto de 2017. Durante más de dos años se trabajó con mujeres que aceptaron integrarse a un grupo de apoyo. En las sesiones quincenales se plantearon situaciones lúdicas y reflexivas que fueron haciendo que las participantes se reconocieran desde su valor personal, compartieran las experiencias de sus historias particulares y de su cotidianidad, se vincularan entre ellas para tomar decisiones y construir nuevas experiencias que, a su vez, fueron favoreciendo nuevas formas de identidad individual y colectiva.application/pdftext/htmltext/xmlDerechos de autor 2020 Sinécticahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0Intervención educativa tras el terremoto 2017: comprendiendo procesos identitarios en mujeres ruralesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article