Che, WenquanMansour, RaafatGong, XunRayas-Sánchez, José E.2022-10-212022-10-212022-10-04W. Che, R. Mansour, X. Gong, and J. E. Rayas-Sánchez. The MTT-S Education Committee–Promoting education for all–2022, IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 84-86, Nov. 2022.1527-3342 of key roles of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) Education Committee is to help with the career development of students and professionals at different stages in their careers. First, the committee aims to develop multiple education resources, such as monthly MTT-S webinars and the Distinguished Microwave Instructors (DMI) program. Next, the committee shares these resources through different activities and platforms, including undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships, as well as many student design competitions at MTT-S-sponsored conferences. Student newsletters feature review technology articles and announcements regarding the application deadlines of scholarships/fellowships as well as some important conferences. Finally, the committee works hard to increase the regional presence of the MTT-S through a wide range of activities.engMicrowaveEducationLatin AmericaDistinguished Microwave LectureDistinguished Microwave EducatorRF Trainer KitsThe MTT-S Education Committee–Promoting education for all–2022info:eu-repo/semantics/article