Martínez-Guerrero, EstebanChabuel, F.Daudin, B.Rouvière, J.L.Mariette, H.2013-06-142013-06-142002-12-30E. Martinez-Guerrero,a) F. Chabuel, B. Daudin, J. L. Rouvière, and H. Mariette, Control of the morphology transition for the growth of cubic GaN/AlN nanostructures, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 81, N. 27, pp 5117-5119, (2002)0003-6951 Stransky–Krastanow growth mode of strained layers which gives rise to a morphology transition from two-dimensional layer to three-dimensional islands is studied in details for the cubic gallium nitride on cubic aluminum nitride ~GaN/AlN! system grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Besides the lattice parameter mismatch which governs this transition, we evidence the importance of two other parameters, namely the substrate temperature and the III/V flux ratio. Tuning each of these two parameters enables to control the strain relaxation mechanism of a GaN deposited onto AlN, leading to the growth of either quantum wells or quantum dots.engCubic GaNNanostructuresMolecular Beam EpitaxyRHEED OscillationsTEMControl of the morphology transition for the growth of cubic GaN-AlN nanostructuresinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article