Briones-Hernández, EdgarRuiz-Cruz, RiemannBriones, JoelGonzález, NataliaSimón, JorgeArreola, MayelaÁlvarez-Álvarez, Gregorio2019-06-112019-06-112018-10-18Edgar Briones-Hernández, Riemann Ruiz-Cruz, Joel Briones, Natalia Gonzalez, Jorge Simon, Mayela Arreola, and Gregorio Álvarez-Álvarez (2018). Particle swarm optimization of nanoantenna-based infrared detectors,Opt. Express, 26: 28484-28496. multi-resonant response of three-steps tapered dipole nano-antennas, coupled to a resistive and fast micro-bolometer, is investigated for the efficient sensing in the infrared band. The proposed devices are designed to operate at 10.6 µm, regime where the complex refractive index of metals becomes important, in contrast to the visible counterpart, and where a full parametric analysis is performed. By using a particle swarm algorithm (PSO) the geometry was adjusted to match the impedance between the nanoantenna and the microbolometer, reducing the return losses by a factor of 650 percent. This technique is compared to standards matching techniques based on transmission lines, showing better accuracy. Tapered dipoles, therefore, open the route towards an efficient energy transfer between load elements and resonant nanoantennas.engParticle swarm optimizationinfrared detectorsnanoantennaParticle swarm optimization of nanoantennabased infrared detectorsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article