Reconocer las emociones presentes en mi cuerpo. El autocuidado y la expresión corporal de mujeres familiares de migrantes en Zapotlanejo, Jalisco
GonzálezCosío-DiezDeSollano, Catalina
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Este trabajo presenta una intervención grupal llevada a cabo desde el enfoque del desarrollo humano, realizada a 12 mujeres cuya característica principal es la de ser migrantes, esposas, parejas o hijas de migrantes, en la comunidad de Zapotlanejo, Jalisco. La migración es un tema central a nivel mundial, no sólo porque abarca ámbitos como el político, social, económico o cultural, sino también porque impacta en lo local. México tiene una larga historia de migración. Hablar de este tema es referirse, entre otras a cosas, a una fuente alternativa de generación de ingresos y, para muchos mexicanos, representa una partida inevitable ante la falta de oportunidades o altos índices de violencia en sus comunidades. Dentro de sus muchos efectos e implicaciones, la migración tiene serios impactos en las familias que viven esta situación, en especial en las mujeres que se quedan en sus comunidades de origen, pues ellas son quienes tienen que tomar toda la carga del cuidado de los hijos, asumir nuevos roles para sobrellevar su manutención, atender y acompañar a sus familias rompiendo esquemas culturales de comportamiento y sumisión introyectados durante largos años y, con esto, vivir serios impactos en su salud física y emocional. La intervención se orientó a que las mujeres líderes familiares de migrantes reconocieran el vínculo entre su malestar emocional y salud física, a través de técnicas de expresión corporal para fomentar prácticas de autocuidado. Se trabajó una metodología cualitativa en la modalidad de taller desde el enfoque centrado en la persona. Para el acopio de la información se realizó la grabación del audio de cada una de las sesiones, transcripción de las mismas y se aplicó la técnica de análisis del discurso para evidenciar los cambios de las asistentes. En el acto del habla de cada una de las actantes hubo una evolución; la queja pasó de ser una constante, a ser una promesa de cambio, en las evidencias discursivas se mostró que las participantes sí lograron vivir el vínculo salud física-malestar emocional confirmado en el recuento de sus expresiones.
This study reports a group intervention carried out from a Human Development perspective. The intervention involved 12 women who were all migrants, or wives, partners, or daughters of migrants from the community of Zapotlanejo, Jalisco, Mexico. Migration is a central theme not only globally because it covers political, social, economic and cultural areas, but also at a local level since Mexico has a long history of migration. To talk about this topic implies considering, among other things, migration as an alternative source of income generation; for many Mexicans it is an inevitable decision in the face of a lack of opportunities or high levels of violence in their communities. Among the many effects and implications of migration, are the serious effects on the families of those who experience this situation, especially on the women who are left behind. These women are the ones who have to take on the full responsibility for the care of their children, assume new roles to ensure their maintenance; they have to attend to and accompany their families breaking cultural patterns of introjected behavior and submission for long periods of time. The consequence of this is a serious impact on their physical and emotional health. The intervention which took place was oriented towards helping the female family leaders recognize the connection between their emotional distress and their physical health through physical expression techniques to foster self-care habits. A qualitative methodology was used in the form of a workshop with a person-centered approach. The data was collected through audio recordings of each session, transcriptions of these recordings, and questionnaires applied to the participants. Discourse analysis was used to demonstrate the changes in the participants.
This study reports a group intervention carried out from a Human Development perspective. The intervention involved 12 women who were all migrants, or wives, partners, or daughters of migrants from the community of Zapotlanejo, Jalisco, Mexico. Migration is a central theme not only globally because it covers political, social, economic and cultural areas, but also at a local level since Mexico has a long history of migration. To talk about this topic implies considering, among other things, migration as an alternative source of income generation; for many Mexicans it is an inevitable decision in the face of a lack of opportunities or high levels of violence in their communities. Among the many effects and implications of migration, are the serious effects on the families of those who experience this situation, especially on the women who are left behind. These women are the ones who have to take on the full responsibility for the care of their children, assume new roles to ensure their maintenance; they have to attend to and accompany their families breaking cultural patterns of introjected behavior and submission for long periods of time. The consequence of this is a serious impact on their physical and emotional health. The intervention which took place was oriented towards helping the female family leaders recognize the connection between their emotional distress and their physical health through physical expression techniques to foster self-care habits. A qualitative methodology was used in the form of a workshop with a person-centered approach. The data was collected through audio recordings of each session, transcriptions of these recordings, and questionnaires applied to the participants. Discourse analysis was used to demonstrate the changes in the participants.
Palabras clave
Migración, Malestar Emocional, Expresión Corporal, Mujeres, Autoayuda, Bienestar Emocional, Empathic Listening, Emotional Distress, Physical Expression, Self-care, Migration
GonzálezCosío-DiezDeSollano, C. (2017). Reconocer las emociones presentes en mi cuerpo. El autocuidado y la expresión corporal de mujeres familiares de migrantes en Zapotlanejo, Jalisco. Trabajo de obtención de grado, Maestría en Desarrollo Humano. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: ITESO.