Comparison Between Silicon Labs and NXP Development Platforms for Matter





Cardenas-Ortega, Miguel A.

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Matter is a new application and transport protocol that can be used over IP networks to solve the interoperability issues of the home automation industry. The objective of this research is to evaluate the development complexity of Matter for embedded systems developers. A market survey of the available semiconductors that support Matter was performed to select two Matter chips from Silicon Labs and NXP for a proof-of-concept test. The test simulated the development of two basic smart home products, a smart light bulb and a smart light switch, to compare the development platforms and processes of each chip. Findings revealed that Silicon Labs offers a more robust and complete development platform for Matter than NXP. In conclusion, the current state of Matter development platforms and tools offers enough support for developers to integrate Matter into an embedded device.


Palabras clave

Matter, Home Automation, Thread, Border Router, Mesh Networks


Cardenas-Ortega, M. A. (2024). Comparison Between Silicon Labs and NXP Development Platforms for Matter. Trabajo de obtención de grado, Especialidad en Sistemas Embebidos. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: ITESO.